Comprehensive portrait of the notoriously autocratic mayor of New York who became the hero of 9/11. “Strips away the self-aggrandizement and analyzes the record." — Variety

Screened as part of NZIFF 2005
Giuliani Time 2005
Veteran documentary cinematographer Kevin Keating spent more than five years working on this film about the notoriously autocratic New York mayor, but then faced a stonewall from an industry unwilling to handle a critique of the man many saw as the hero of 9/11.
“Investigative biographer and Village Voice editor Wayne Barrett acts as Keating’s guide through Giuliani’s well-hidden family past, with its ties to gambling joints, the Mob, and Sing Sing. A brief discussion of the early years leads to Giuliani’s rapid promotion in the D.A.’s office and his controversial role in the deportation of Haitian boat people… [Most] time is spent on Giuliani’s years as mayor, when his zero tolerance policies received worldwide attention and outsiders praised the Disneyfication of Babylon-on-the-Hudson. Through well-chosen commentators ranging from lawyers, community activists and assorted politicos, Keating strips away the self-aggrandizement and analyzes the record.” — Jay Weissberg, Variety