Aaron Eckhart was born to play the fast-talking Washington lobbyist and public affairs frontman for Big Tobacco in this gleefully cynical satire on the black art of spin-doctoring.

Thank You For Smoking is the first film in a long time with a true gift of gab... Its wisecracks actually crack wise.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2006
Thank You For Smoking 2005
This gleefully cynical satire blows the whistle on ‘untruthiness’, the black art of the 21st-century spin-doctor. Tall, blonde, handsome and pulsing with malevolent wit, Aaron Eckhart was born to play Nick Naylor, fast-talking Washington lobbyist and public affairs frontman for Big Tobacco. Teen smoking has taken a dive, but Nick’s determined to fight back. He loves his work, proudly comparing trophies with fellow ‘merchants of death’ – lobbyists for the liquor and firearms industries. First-time director Jason Reitman surrounds them with a superbly funny array of fancy sleazeballs (notably Rob Lowe as a Hollywood star maker touched by zen) and morally impoverished power brokers. The great cast also includes William H. Macy as an anti-smoking Massachusetts senator (so pious you want to light up) and Robert Duvall as a Southern tobacco tycoon. Katie Holmes does not hold back as a dedicated investigative journalist.
“First-time director Jason Reitman pulls off the miraculous feat of creating a single-issue comedy that retains its freshness and drive throughout... A bristling, wickedly smart portrait... Like most of us, Reitman (and novelist Christopher Buckley, on whose novel the film is based) has obviously wondered how someone could keep a straight face (and conscience) while actively propagandising for the morally indefensible. But instead of just shaking his head in bemused disbelief, he has constructed a hilarious, fast-moving Swiftian satire that skewers all in its path.” — Peter Brunette, Screendaily
“You’ll have to stretch back to 1997’s ultracynical Wag the Dog to find a sociopolitical satire as vituperative and downright exhilarating.” — Joshua Rothkopf, Time Out