Veteran masters of social realism Ken Loach and writer Paul Laverty (My Name Is Joe) return with one of their most involving character-centred dramas. "A movie of great honesty and humanistic inquiry." — The Guardian

A movie of great honesty and humanistic inquiry.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2008
It's a Free World... 2007
Ken Loach and writer Paul Laverty (My Name Is Joe, The Wind that Shakes the Barley), veteran masters of social realism, return with one of their most involving character-centred dramas. Angie is a feisty East Ender, a solo mum who loses her job in a recruitment agency and sets up an agency of her own, placing semi-legal immigrants. A sexy blonde dynamo on a motorbike, she strikes deals and dishes out jobs to Polish, Ukrainian and Chilean workers for construction sites and clothing factories. The deeper she gets into this dodgy business, the more she is determined to prove her mettle, defying her old unionist dad, her nervous business partner and her own generous nature. Loach and Laverty dramatise the human price of free market enterprise with every risk she takes and every choice she makes. Actress Kierston Wareing, a Loach discovery, is dynamite. — BG