An intense, slow-burning Russian war drama that considers moral choice in the moral vacuum of occupation. “Truly eloquent and moving… Actors and landscapes alike could have come out of 19-century Russian paintings.” — Sight & Sound

Truly eloquent and moving... Actors and landscapes alike could have come out of 19th-century Russian paintings.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2012
In the Fog 2012
V tumane
This intense, slow-burning Russian war drama considers moral choice in the moral vacuum of occupation. This second feature after My Joy by former documentarian Sergei Loznitsa took the international Critics’ Prize at Cannes this year. “Set in Belarus in 1942, the film begins with a lengthy travelling shot (the first of only 70 or so shots in the movie), which ends with the Nazis hanging Belarussian resistance fighters. It then proceeds to chronicle what happens after two partisans arrive at the house of a comrade widely believed (since he alone was freed by the Nazis after a train was sabotaged) to have betrayed the executed men. He protests his innocence, but they are no more persuaded by his claims than his wife, and they take him through the forest, hoping to avoid discovery by the German forces patrolling the district. What follows not only shows the respective destinies of the three men but sketches, in flashback, their characters and their different responses to the question of how best to deal with the occupying German forces. Loznitsa adopts a slow, stately pace, allowing a number of cruel ironies to emerge from the stark, simple storyline with steadily accumulating dramatic force… In the Fog is a war movie that foregrounds the emotions of individuals over the spectacle of battle, and uses metaphor and a calm mood of ethical enquiry rather than simplistic polemics arguing for or against military engagement. Loznitsa knows that war exists and won’t go away; he tries to show what it might do to our souls. And, in this writer’s opinion, he succeeds.” — Geoff Andrew, Time Out