Bold, provocative elite cops vs Jewish terrorists drama from Israel. “The main performances are powerful, the visuals are bold and vivid, the final effect one of the gut having been punched and the mind stirred.” — Hollywood Reporter

Lapid’s debut feature is one of the most provocative films to come out of Israel in recent years; Waltz with Bashir and Lebanon are, by comparison, tame and equivocating.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2012
Policeman 2011
Two passionately narcissistic groups – one a highly disciplined and patriotic elite police unit, the other an extremist cadre of middle-class anti-government activists – are characterised with brilliant intensity in this provocative Israeli drama. Deploying an exceptionally good-looking cast, director-screenwriter Nadav Lapid may be coolly, analytically detached, but he jabs us with the powers of attraction that operate within each tribe. (The eponymous Yaron, a self-idealising hunk of blinding virile grace is a notable addition to the ranks of movie copdom.) A billionaire’s wedding provides the occasion for inevitable, violent confrontation. — BG
“A boldly conceived and bracingly told political drama, Policeman possesses a special contemporary pertinence… The main performances are powerful, the visuals are bold and vivid, the final effect one of the gut having been punched and the mind stirred.” — Todd McCarthy, Hollywood Reporter
“In Israel, this outstanding political film has become a standard-bearer for youth who are angry with a government they loathe. Elsewhere in the world, Policeman may well also impress for more than the chilling perfection of its direction.” — Olivier Père, Cinema Scope