A far-out double feature from the Far East. Body horror from Japan (Henge) plus a hapless one-handed Korean detective on the search for a unique timepiece that may or may not be able to alter time itself (Young Gun in the Time).

Young Gun in the Time appears to have fallen from the pages of a disappeared Coen Brothers science fiction script.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2012
Young Gun in the Time 2012
Yeong-geon tam-jeong-sa-mu-so
A Korean time-travel thriller about a one‑handed detective whose fiscal troubles (matched by his dress sense: Hawaiian shirt, trilby, tie) force him to take any assignment on offer. A beautiful scientist requests he find a unique wristwatch and dispose of its owner. Entertaining, funny and highly imaginative, this slice of science fiction noir is all the more remarkable for being created for under $30,000. — AT
Screening with Henge.