You knew NZIFF’s Incredibly Strange programmer Ant Timpson was well-connected? Check out the register of international renegade talent signed up by Ant and his Austin partner-in-crime Tim League for this late-night extravaganza
Films — by Country

Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters
“An acclaimed photographer with the eye of a filmmaker, Gregory Crewdson has created some of the most gorgeously haunting pictures in the history of the medium.” — Zeitgeist Films
Guys and Dolls
Frank Loesser’s boisterous, tune-filled adaptation of stories by Prohibition era newspaper man and humourist Damon Runyon is one of the wonders of the Broadway musical, gloriously uninhibited by sentimentality or cant.
The House I Live In
Grand Jury Prize winner for the Best US Documentary at Sundance last year, Eugene Jarecki’s The House I Live In is a cogent, condensed study of the ‘war on drugs’ and its insidious role in the socio-economic break down of America.

Lawrence of Arabia
1988 Director's Cut 4K Restoration
David Lean’s 1962 biopic remains the benchmark in epic action cinema: literate, dynamic and visually stupendous.

The Queen of Versailles
“A succulently entertaining movie that invites you to splash around in the dreams and follies of folks so rich they're the one percent of the one percent.” — Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly