You knew NZIFF’s Incredibly Strange programmer Ant Timpson was well-connected? Check out the register of international renegade talent signed up by Ant and his Austin partner-in-crime Tim League for this late-night extravaganza

You’ll love some, detest others, and likely be offended by at least half of the shorts, leaving The ABCs of Death as one of the most unique and conversation-starting experiences to grace theaters in a long, long while.
Screened as part of Autumn Events 2013
The ABCs of Death 2012
You knew NZIFF’s Incredibly Strange programmer Ant Timpson was well-connected? Check out the register of international renegade talent signed up by Ant and his Austin partner-in-crime Tim League for this late-night extravaganza. Don’t miss your best ever chance to check out this who’s who of alt-exploitation with a crowd.
“From Poe to Lovecraft, from King to Barker, from EC Comics to Night Gallery, some of the best pieces the horror genre has ever offered up have arrived in short form – and herein lies the appeal and power of the mighty anthology film. Inspired by the classic ‘A-is-for-Apple’ children’s book trope, Ant Timpson (New Zealand film archivist/programmer extraordinaire) and Tim League (of Drafthouse Films) have culled together a woolly bunch of 26 favorite genre filmmakers, assigned each of them a letter of the alphabet, and let their twisted minds run wild!
These few insane minutes apiece beautifully range wildly in tone, pacing, and scope, as the diverse assortment of directors includes Ti West (The Innkeepers), Ben Wheatley (Kill List), Nacho Vigalondo (Timecrimes), Adam Wingard & Simon Barrett (You’re Next), Jason Eisener (Hobo With a Shotgun), Jon Schnepp (TV’s Metalocalypse), and even Marvel comic artist Kaare Andrews. You’ll love some, detest others, and likely be offended by at least half of the shorts, leaving The ABCs of Death as one of the most unique and conversation-starting experiences to grace theaters in a long, long while.” — Cinefamily