“Gentlemen! You can’t fight in here. This is the War Room.”
Films — by Title
Funny Face
A charming confection of 50s vogues, this musical casts Audrey Hepburn as a brainy West Village bookshop manager and Fred Astaire as the fashion photographer whose camera (not to mention a trip to Paris and some fabulous Givenchy gowns) might just transform her into a runway star.

Lawrence of Arabia
David Lean’s 1962 biopic remains the benchmark in epic action cinema: literate, dynamic and visually stupendous.

On the Waterfront
“As unspoiled in its key elements as the day it was made, On the Waterfront is indisputably one of the great American films.” — Kenneth Turan, LA Times

The Third Man
"Of all the movies I have seen, this one most completely embodies the romance of going to the movies." — Roger Ebert

The Wind Rises (dubbed version)
Kaze tachinu
The great Japanese animator Miyazaki Hayao has announced his retirement at the age of 72. If he sticks to his word he will have gone out on a sublime note.

The Wind Rises (Subtitled Version)
Kaze tachinu
The great Japanese animator Miyazaki Hayao has announced his retirement at the age of 72. If he sticks to his word he will have gone out on a sublime note.