In this stirring film by the 81-year-old father of African cinema, the defiant wife of an elder in a West African village refuses to allow four girls to undergo the traditional initation rite. “It makes a powerful statement and at the same time contains humor, charm and astonishing visual beauty.” — Roger Ebert
Films — by Language
- Arabic
- Bahasa Indonesian
- Bambara
- Bosnian
- Cantonese
- Catalan
- Czech
- Danish
- Dari
- English
- English Intertitles
- Finnish
- French
- Galician
- German
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- In various languages
- Italian
- Japanese
- Javanese
- Korean
- Kurdish
- Mandarin
- Portuguese
- Quechua
- Russian
- Serbian
- Shanghainese
- Slovak
- Spanish
- Sukuma
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Tibetan
- Vietnamese
- Xhosa
- Zulu