Animated short films from around the world to spark the imaginations of our youngest audience. This year's selection is best suited to children aged 5-7.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2008
Animation for Kids 2008
A very special programme of films selected to spark the imaginations of our youngest audience, and there's not a toy ad in sight. This collection mixes films that feature kids at the centre of their own universes, animals doing the oddest things, and lots of twists and surprises. This year's selection is probably best suited to children aged 5-7.
Cyber 2007
A megagood time ride on the ultimate armchair.
Animatou 2007
A whole bunch of animators demonstrate a whole bunch of really cool ways to animate a cat and mouse chase.
The Goat That Ate Time 2007
A goat starts munching his way back to the future.
Tôt ou tard 2006
A squirrel and a bat can't agree on day and night.
The Tiny Fish 2006
A little girl and her cat brave the winter to go ice fishing.
Captain Cumulus 2007
A little boy takes his flying machine for a spin.
Homage to the Grip 2006
There's a small technical hitch in the most brightly coloured jungle you ever saw.
Dharma Dream Eater 2007
Dharmer Dream Eater has a really great idea of what to do with all the scary dreams that kids have.
The Witch's Button 2006
A good witch with a magic button.
Pik and Nik 2006
A film made with millions of little rocks and a ton of sand.
A Sunny Day 2006
The sun rises as it does every day – but today something is just a little bit different!