This inventive romcom starring writer/director Hayden J. Weal and featuring Julian Dennison and Michelle Ny, reminds us that there’s no more romantic place to fall in love than Wellington – in the summer. World Premiere.

Chronesthesia is defined as a hypothetical ability that allows humans to be constantly aware of the past and the future.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2016
Chronesthesia 2016
World Premiere
Hayden J. Weal will be in attendance for the first three sessions
Written and directed by its charismatic lead actor, Hayden J. Weal, this romcom with a time-travel twist radiates the upbeat energy that presumably got it made on a next-to-nothing budget. Daniel Duncombe (Weal) is not a committer. When he’s not working at a café or pounding some of Wellington’s most scenic walkways to stay in shape, he’s perfectly happy to chill at home. Then he starts waking up from weird dreams to find cryptic messages scrawled on his bedroom window. Slowly it dawns on Daniel that the same mysterious force is guiding him into contact with a strange assortment of equally unattached strangers who intrude on his routine.
Playing go-between in a senior romance and in a parallel junior version (hello, Julian ‘Skux’ Dennison), Daniel finds himself in a love story of his own – but not before numerous coincidences have been cheerfully thrown in his path, and a few tidy action-hero moves have been deployed to talk down the most excitable of his new best friends. Simeon Duncombe’s sun-drenched cinematography could secure him a lifetime’s work with Positively Wellington Tourism: you’ll want to move to the Capital, even if you live here already.