Are you always selecting the cinema round for double-points in your local pub quiz? How often do you respond to your colleagues’ emails with obscure film quotes? Have you ever cornered someone at a party to talk at them about Agnes Varda? It’s OK. We've got your back.

I’m ready for my bonus round, Mr. DeMille.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2019
The 2019 WFS Film Quiz
Hosted by the Wellington Film Society
Assemble an elite team of film nerd specialists and show us what you got at the WFS 8th Annual Film Quiz.
The quiz is your annual opportunity to flex those movie-trivia muscles – a free event with great prizes that’s open to the general public. The duration will be kept to a maximum of 90 minutes to ensure you can make your next NZIFF screening. It takes place at Embassy Theatre’s Blondini’s Cafe and is run by the friendly volunteers of the year-round Wellington Film Society.
Teams of four to six can register. Space is limited so sign up here.
Blondini’s, Level 1, Embassy Theatre
Saturday 3 Aug, 1.30–3.00pm